Counseling Department

Sara Kaiser

Middle School Counselor 
[email protected]
(920) 582-5800 ext. 2126

 Conflict/Incident/Bullying Report Form

Building Character and Assets through the

Comprehensive School Counseling Program

Phone Cell phones are great for students to keep in contact with their parents or let them know that they are staying after school, but they also can cause a lot of anxiety, stress, and grief for our youth. We have conversations with students about cell phones and the texts they receive that can be very offensive and hurtful. Even though many of these conversations occur off school grounds, they carry over into school. Please click here for a copy of the parent/student contract. Thank you!

Google released a new site for Families filled with Internet Safety Resources.  Be Internet Awesome! Families can Be Internet Awesome with resources for parents. Check out the Family Guide and Tips available to help families talk about online safety and digital citizenship at home.

Be Internet Awesome - New Family Resources


Our counselors provide a confidential helping relationship with a caring adult based on trust, respect, and compassion. Standards for professional ethics dictate that those who use the counseling service can be confident that the information they share will not be disclosed except under the following circumstances:

  • threats of violence or harm to self or others
  • suspected abuse
  • illegal activity
  • presence of alcohol/drugs or weapons on campus

Under these circumstances, the counselor will follow mandated reporting procedures and school district guidelines in acting in the best interests of the student by involving parents and/or others who can help. These confidentiality guidelines will be reviewed with all students at least once each school year.